what3words – wagers.formed.octagon
Directions to water
Proceed to South Mimms and take the A1(M) north to Sandy Beds (junction with the A603). Continue on the A1 for a further two miles and then turn left, signposted Blunham. The road then crosses the River Ivel at two humped back bridges (twin bridges).
Approximately 200yds after crossing the river turn right by a telephone box into Grange Road when the tarmac runs out. Carry straight on until you come to a locked gate (number on the back of your membership card) along the dirt track. After approximately a third of a mile the track forks, follow the left track, past the glasshouses on the left to a sharp right bend followed by a sharp left to a track on the right which leads to the pump house at the end of a row of telegraph poles. Parking is by the pump house.
Venue Information
The fishery consists of the River Ouse with a number of swims shaded by willow trees with good cover between them. The water is generally four to five feet deep, but some swims do have deeper holes.
Danger Area: Anglers proceeding upstream of the pump house should be aware of the power lines along the edge of the diel, 40 to 50 feet back from the water.
Species: Bleak, Bream, Chub, Gudgeon, Perch, Roach, Tench, and some Pike.
Tips and Techniques
This water fishes well throughout the year and consistently throws up both good bags of fish and good quality fish. Boats are a pain in the summer.
An Environmental Agency rod licence is required.